
My New Etsy Site!

I have been selling jewelry and handmade items for about 3 years now through my website Circle Clothing and Bedding. I changed my name to my great-grandmother's name and dropped the clothing and bedding part. I still sew but I didn't have enough time to do it regularly. I'm very excited about my new company name and sharing it with you!
I hope to use this blog to share with you new projects, inspiration, music and to chat… almost like a 'real' store! Please keep checking back to see what's new. If you want to be notified of special sales, please send me your email address and I'll add it to my email list- never to be used for anything but my sales and you can remove your name at anytime I promise!

Check out my Effie Girlie Finerie Etsy store by clicking here.

Have a finerie day! *a

1 comment:

Laura said...

I've just added you to Craft Connect PDX! Welcome to the community.