
Music Monday: Blue Giant

Happy Monday! It was hot, hot, hot here over the weekend. I was able to get away from work to take a little bike ride, enjoy a street fair, and hang out by the river with friends. Ahh… I love Portland summers!

I heard Blue Giant last week on my favorite radio station- KEXP.org and was immediately taken with their sound. May this wonderful Portland band help you ease into another week of work. I'll let you know when I'm able to catch them live! Here's their myspace page and website. Enjoy.


Anonymous said...

Mississippi Street Fair? I was bummed I missed it. It was a beautiful weekend. Glad you got to enjoy it!

Thanks for the band tip. They sound fantastic!

angie said...

thanks girl. sorry didn't see each other at the fair. hope you had a lovely time with friends!

angie said...

oh gosh- chelsea, I assumed you were someone else I was going to meet with at the fair over the weekend! ooops! thanks for the comment. I'm off to enjoy reading your blog now!