
happy Mac, stolen Mac

Last week I posted that my iMac decided to take a break from working. Well, a few hours of running this and that and many restarts later, she's back to her happy self. Unfortunately my housemate's Mac has a more disappointing story. Someone broke into our house yesterday and stole it out of his room! UGH! The especially creepy thing is I was at home working. Super UGH. So I'm getting an alarm system set up today. It's nothing compared to what many have gone through I know but it's a first for me and thinking about someone breaking in all the time is for the birds! Anyone have any recommendations for security companies?


sulu-design said...

Yikes - while you were home?!?

angie said...

I'm not sure, I wasn't only out for an hour. I'm finally not so freaked about it now. thank goodness!